Rock & Roll Essay Contest

Write an essay using one or all or any combination of the Led Zeppelin prompts below: Entries can be creative and explorative.  The purpose of this educational exercise is to connect youth to community arts.  

1. Explain what Led Zeppelin means to you. Give examples of how their music inspires you. 

2. Use song lyrics to explain how Led Zeppelin has influenced you and has helped you on your educational journey.

3. Explain what "Get the Led Out" means to you. 

Essay Requirements:

1. Essay must contain original thought and not plagiarized 

2. Interest in the arts

3. One page minimum

4. Students must attend schools in Clinton, Franklin or Essex Counties in grades 7-12. 

Entries must be emailed ( or handwritten and delivered to The Strand (23 Brinkerhoff St) by April 1st at 7pm. The winning entry will receive TWO FREE TICEKTS to see the band Kashmir, Led Zeppelin's Live Tribute Show on April 15th at 7:30pm. 

This essay contest is graciously sponsored by a local music educator.